
Chosen in Christ: Revisiting the Contours of Predestination is unavailable, but you can change that!

Cornel Venema revisits the important doctrine of predestination to re-familiarize the church with truths about God’s sovereignty in salvation. But he does not merely re-visit old ground but also engages a host of historic and contemporary challenges to the doctrine. He addresses the subject from exegetical, historical, contemporary, and pastoral vantage points.

God’s grace that ensures that this requirement is meant. To paraphrase the church father, Augustine, God’s grace allows Him to command what He will and give to us the ability to do what He commands. Before I take up directly the open theist view of divine election, I need yet to consider the open theist claim that God’s providence is a general, non-meticulous providence that leaves room for human beings with libertarian freedom. In the history of theology,
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